Internship 2019
This page showcases my professional work at the University of Colorado (CU) System office for the Tuition Assistance Benefit (TAB) program:
As the TAB Program Coordinator, I worked closely with my department's Communications and Employee Learning & Development teams to create the following program resources for CU faculty/staff from Fall 2018 through Fall 2019--
TAB website redesign with updated program information.
TAB taxation webinar explaining the process, in addition to outlining IRS guidelines.
TAB training videos on how to submit the TAB application as an employee versus for a dependent.
Please play the video below for an overview of my internship--
Internship full report document
The following report documents my internship's need, goals, description of TAB resources and the value of my work completed:
Download internship full report
TAB resources
Please view the three TAB resources created during my internship below:
Please play the four TAB application training videos below--
TAB Training Videos
TAB infographic and hours worked
The following infographic exhibits TAB numbers for applications, Cherwell (emails/phone calls) and website visitors during the dependent Pilot Program - Fall 2017 to Fall 2019:
Hours worked by project
The following graph demonstrates how my hours worked on creating TAB resources were distributed:
Download hours worked log